Comment on MHCLG launch of £8.6bn affordable homes funding

Jane Gallifent, development and sales director at Aster group, said:

 “This funding should prove a vital boost for the housing sector in its efforts to prevent affordable home delivery stagnating as a result of the pandemic. The housing crisis will not be solved by just throwing money at the problem, so I am encouraged that this programme of investment is structured to build a variety of housing options to match people’s different needs.

 “It’s encouraging to see the range of tenures being facilitated, alongside ringfenced funding for rural homes. The south west outside of London, for example, has some of the nation’s widest gaps between average wage and house prices but doesn’t have the same affordable housing infrastructure as the capital. Funding for rural homes must be leveraged to start changing that.

 “This investment’s potential to ensure home ownership is available to as many people as possible should not be underestimated either. The housing sector must take responsibility for channelling it effectively and educating potential homeowners on the options available. The success of this programme depends on getting the mix of ownership types right including shared ownership, Help to Buy, and First Homes.  Housing associations and community land trusts, with their close connections to their customers and communities, have a crucial role to play in ensuring the right framework is in place to manage this at a local level.”

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