Please check the locations map on our garages page here:
You can apply using the enquiry form here:
This depends on which garage site(s) you've applied for. Some of our garage locations are very popular, with long waiting lists. Other sites are less popular, meaning you could be offered a garage soon after your application has been approved.
Where we have a waiting list, our garages are offered according to the length of time applicants have been waiting for a garage, although we do give priority to registered disabled applicants.
You'll need to sign a licence agreement with us and pay four weeks rent in advance by debit/credit card as we don't take cash.
You can use our garages to park your car in or to store items.
If you're storing belongings, we recommend you take out insurance cover and ensure items are stored off the floor and covered with a weatherproof cover.
If you are an Aster tenant you can seek independent insurance advice from our recommended broker https://www.thistleinsurance.co.uk/
Due to their construction we don't guarantee our garages are 100 per cent waterproof. Aster cannot be held liable for any loss or damage to belongings.
Please do not store the following items in your garage under any circumstances:
- Any flammable liquids, gases or substances or any other dangerous substances (including but not limited to asbestos) at the Garage
- Any poisonous or polluting substance
- Any animal or pet at the Garage (alive or dead)
Our garage charges vary depending on the location of the garage. Please see our price here:
Yes, we usually increase our garage charges on the first Monday in April of each year. We'll write to you by the end of February to let you know how much the new charge will be.
Generally you can keep your garage for as long as you need it, as long as you keep your licence fee payments up to date and keep to the terms of your licence agreement.
If we would like the garage back we will provide you notice in writing by recorded delivery or first class post.
We will provide You 14 days’ notice. You will be charged a licence fee for that 14 day notice period.
You must remove any furniture, equipment or goods from the Garage by the end of the 14 day notice period. If you do not remove furniture, equipment 10 days after the final day of your licence period, we may remove, store and dispose of any of this furniture, equipment or goods.
If you breach any of your obligations in the Licence we may serve a notice period shorter than 14 days for the termination of the Licence agreement.
If we require you to transfer elsewhere to an alternative garage for any reason we will provide you 14 days’ notice.
If your garage needs repairs, you can report this online through MyAster or call 0333 400 8222
Garage repairs are usually carried out within 28 days of being reported.
The garage must be left in a clean and tidy state when you hand back your keys. Please make sure you remove all items you were storing and sweep it out. Please remove any shelving you have put up in the garage.
If we have to clear the garage, you will be charged as follows:
Whole garage clearance £655.50 +VAT
Half garage clearance £327.75 +VAT
Quarter garage clearance £163.88 +VAT
Single items (including fridges, freezers, oil, car batteries, washing machines etc.) £57.50 +VAT each.
Up to five small items (e.g. paint pots) £57.50 +VAT.
If we have to repair the garage because it's been neglected or damaged by you, we'll recharge you the cost of these works.
Aster will repossess a garage if your licence fee arrears rise to an unacceptable level or your account is in arrears for too long.
Unlike houses and flats, we don't have to apply to the courts for a Possession Order. Our policy is to repossess a garage as soon as the Notice to Quit is served, even if the money owed is then paid.
However, most arrears cases can be dealt with quickly and easily if you get in contact with us early enough. Ignoring the situation can only make matters worse.
Due to the low level of licence fee compared to the rent on a house or flat, some may regard garage licence fees as low priority. However we have a duty to recover all money owed to fund the services we provide.
Aster's preferred method of payment is by Direct Debit.
You can also pay through our online service MyAster
Payments can be made at any Post Office using a payment card we'll provide at the start of the garage tenancy.
Payments can also be made over the phone by calling 0333 400 8244. To pay by telephone you'll need to hold a valid debit or credit card.
Call us as soon as possible on 0333 400 8244 and ask to speak to Customer Accounts to discuss your circumstances.
Giving up your garage
If you decide to give up your garage, you will need to give us two weeks’ notice either by letter, phone call or email to your local Garage officer, whose contact details are listed below. Alternatively, you can complete the online form.
Please note you will then be sent for legal reasons a Licence Termination notice to sign, date and return to Aster.
Before you return your keys please make sure that you have cleared the garage of all your belongings and swept it clear of any rubbish. If you do leave anything in the garage, we will charge you the cost of clearing and disposing of the items.
You need to return all the keys to the garage by no later than 5.00pm on the Tuesday after the notice runs out. The keys must be clearly labelled with the address of the garage.
All written communication and keys must be returned for the attention of your local garage officer at:
Aster Group
Sarsen Court
Horton Avenue
SN10 2AZ
Please include your garage officer's name in the address.

Get involved
We want to make sure it is easy for our customers to help us make our services even better. If you would like to help us, see below for some of the ways you can get involved. Before you attend an event for the first time please ring the event organiser.
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Anti-social behaviour
Find out more about the different types of anti-social behaviour that we will investigate and other problems which can be dealt with by your neighbourhood officer.
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Health & safety
Advice on general fire safety, fire safety for blocks of flats, and other health and safety advice
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