Customer Voice


Customer voice is at the heart of what we do and your views and opinions are crucial to shaping the services we deliver both now and in the future.

We want to make sure we represent the views of customers and our Customer Voice team will make sure you can be part of that involvement, share your thoughts and opinions easily and at a time that suits you.

Our involved customer groups also scrutinise and review the way we work to make positive changes to our services everyday.

We’ll use this page to showcase key successes where our involved customer groups have made a difference.

If you would like to find out more about our engagement or get involved, please fill out the enquiry form below and we’ll get in touch.

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Our involved customer groups

Our customers, particularly those in our involved customer groups, play a strong role in what we do, they help to shape the services we provide, let us know where we can improve and feedback to make sure our customers are at the heart of all decision making. If you'd like to find out more about your future involvement, please fill in the enquiry form above.

We currently have a range of formal customer groups, including - The Customer and Community Network (CCN), our Customer Overview Group (COG), and our Customer Scrutiny Panel (CSP).

Our independent customer panels

The Customer Scrutiny Panel (CSP) is an independent panel of customers and supports the Customer and Community Network (CCN) which forms part of our governance structure.  It meets the co-regulatory requirements of the Regulatory Standards for social housing in England. They work to provide an independent and objective assessment of services and business processes from a customer perspective. Engagement is at the heart of their work.

CSP member: "I really get a great amount of satisfaction being the Chair and member of the CSP.  It is satisfying to know that at the end of a scrutiny exercise I have done the very best I can to improve services for fellow customers and Aster. I gain so much personally in being able to undertake this work and  being an involved customer in this group, including being able to meet with staff and explain the role of the CSP."

The Customer Overview Group, which consists largely of customers, and is chaired by a customer,and reports to the Customer and Community Network (CCN).It tells the CCN about customers’ needs and their views, and reviews and approves customer facing regulations and policies. It has four scheduled meetings a year, and other meetings as required.

Members of the group take part in many aspects of our work, including helping determine the Key Performance Indicators—the standards by which we judge our self and are judged by others.

COG member: I’m in COG because I love my home, what Aster have done for me is amazing and I want customers to experience great services.”

COG member: “I'm an ambassador for customers and enable their voice to be heard”

COG member: “ I'm part of COG to find the right balance between customers’ expectations and business priorities.”

Our Customer and Community Network (CCN) is a committee which forms part of our governance structure. The group is made up our customers, senior executive and non-executive directors. The CCN works collaboratively and has a central role to play in the key decisions we make. This includes scrutinising and challenging our performance, how we deliver our services to customers and the outcomes of our work. Most importantly, because there are customers on the committee, they bring the customer voice into our business at the highest level.

CCN member: "We look at what’s important for Aster, our customers and  the community."

CCN member: "I joined to provide a customer and community voice, create community cohesion, and work to bridge societal difference and disadvantage."

CCN member: "It's about customer voice, collaboration, community vibrance."

Jargon buster

We consult with customers on various documents which can sometimes include abbreviations and terms that people may not be familiar with. 

We try really hard to avoid jargon, but sometimes we can’t, because it may relate to our legal obligations, or other regulations.  

The Resident’s Network at the Housing Quality Network has put together a really useful jargon buster to explain the terms commonly used in the social housing sector. We’d like to share this with you to support your involvement, and to ensure your voice is heard on the issues that matter to you.

Jargon buster

Customer Voice use CX Feedback for our customer surveys.

More info on this trusted platform can be found here: 
