Customers shape our policies

Thank you to all the customers who recently got involved in shaping two new policies. The group of involved customers shared their thoughts on both the clarity and content of each policy, and whether anything needed to be added or removed. The new income management policy and the empty home policies can be found here.

Income Recovery policy

109 customers responded to this survey, and 93% rated the policy as good.

Customers felt that some of the policy was difficult to follow so we listened to this feedback and revised the policy to make the stages clearer.

As requested by customers, we have added contact details of the Financial Wellbeing Team.

We received feedback that some of the wording in the policy could be more compassionate. As a result, we've amended the language.

Empty Homes policy

We had 150 responses to this this consultation, with 89% of the respondents rating the policy as good.

The majority of feedback was around the use of jargon. We’ve removed words such as ‘void’ and ‘decant’ and replaced with the term 'empty homes'.

Any specific questions were responded to individually by the Customer Voice Team.

If you’d like to be part of any future consultations you can email the Customer Voice Team.

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