WhatsApp-based service to find cost of living support services for Cornwall residents

Did you know that you can find a local directory of support easily over WhatsApp? The new, free service helps people in Cornwall access, and share, a range of local and national support services to help with the cost-of-living crisis. The support available covers a range of issues, from food banks to debt advice, support for army veterans, and much more. 

If you, or someone you know, could benefit from knowing about local support services, why not try out this new, free service? Here's what users said about it:  

"It simply couldn't be easier"

"I got help with my energy bills through the WhatsApp service. It was really good, so I have shared it with friends and family too"

To try it out, take your phone and open the camera then point it at the QR code below to open the WhatsApp chat. Say "Hi" to get started! This tool has been developed by Project Alix and can be used by Aster customers and staff. They would love to hear from you about your experience with the service, so let them know what you think on ask@projectalix.com.

QR Code here


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