Make a step change

Help is at hand if you’re concerned about debt, or worried about paying your bills.  Talking to independent charity Step Change can be the first step in taking control of your money.

Step Change is a free and impartial service, open to everyone. They don’t share any data with us, and they’ll help you find the right solution and a plan to help you manage your debts.

Give Step Change a call on 0800 0481004 or visit their website StepChange Debt Charity - Free Expert Debt Advice.

It’s good to talk to us as well. By sharing your concerns, we can give you advice and find a solution that works for you. Give your customer accounts officer a call via our call centre on 0333 400 8222.

People who have used Step Change said: "Words can hardly describe how great a service Step Change do, I feel like my life has improved so much thanks to the help they provide.”

Another person described the Step Change service as: "A very supportive, friendly professional service, un-biased. I felt like I had a life again and had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders"

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