It’s good to talk

With the cost-of-living crisis dominating the news agenda in recent months, November has marked Talk Money Week, a campaign set up by the Money and Pensions Service to help you to talk about your finances and make the most of the support services available to you.

Money Advice Tool

Did you know that we provide a simple and free to use Money Advice Tool that’s available to all customers?

You can use it to see if you can access additional benefits, find links to local advice agencies, and manage your household bills using the budget section.

You can also record what you spend each week or month, compare it to averages in your area and find out how to make savings. You can then download a free copy of your personal budget. Try it out for yourself here.

Support for customers

Our Financial Wellbeing team also supports customers to maximise their income to make sure they’re claiming all the benefits they’re entitled to, advice on complex benefit issues and signposting to local support services.

For one customer, the help from the team came as a welcome relief. Mr C was referred to the Financial Wellbeing team after he was made redundant from his supermarket job and was struggling to provide for his family.

Our team worked with Mr C to ensure he was receiving all the benefits he and his family were entitled to and referred him to his local foodbank during a particularly difficult time. Mr C was also able to apply for a discretionary housing payment helping him to pay off his rent arrears. Following a referral for additional support Mr C was able to retrain and apply for a new job.

Find out more

Here are some handy sites that could help get the conversation about money started:

Money and pension service 

Money advice service

Money Helper

Benefit calculator 

Visit our new Cost of Living page to access a host of useful resources and support.

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