Aster worked with Nailsworth CLT on a five-year community-led project to build new homes for local people in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire. Find out more.
View moreNailsworth CLT was created after a steering group was set up in 2013 to address local housing need in the area. The homes are located on a former garage site that was sold to the CLT by Stroud District Council for £1. The development was shaped by the community from the start, with planning permission being granted via a ‘Community Right to Build Order’, after locals got the chance to vote on whether or not the project should go ahead.
Working in partnership with Nailsworth CLT, Aster helped provide new affordable housing for local Nailsworth residents. The collection of homes offer a range of four two-bedroom houses and six one-bedroom flats for affordable rent for tenants who have a connection to the local area. This 5-year community-led project first began in 2013 and was successfully completed and handed over to local residents in April 2018.
All profits generated by the development will stay within the community and the new affordable homes will remain the property of Nailsworth Community Land Trust so they can continue to be offered to local people for rent in perpetuity. Aster Group will maintain the properties and manage the tenancies on behalf of the CLT.
For further information on CLTs and Aster Group, download our prospectus on our work with CLTs.
"We are so proud of Valley View and what it provides for the community. This development is a triumph for the CLT, 10 new homes that will be in the Town's ownership forever, let to residents with local connections. The partnership working with Aster Group, GCP architects and EG Carter and the help given by Stroud District Council has been invaluable and we thank them all."
- Ian Potts, Chair of Nailsworth CLT.
“To see the homes occupied takes me back to the Housing Needs Survey of 2013 and the need for affordable homes to rent in Nailsworth. Ian Crawley and The Town Council set the development process in motion and the CLT has been tenacious and thorough in progressing the Valley View site. This is a wonderful community project, something for the town to celebrate.”
-Jonathan Duckworth, Mayor of Nailsworth and CLT Board Member.
“Homes England is delighted to have supported Nailsworth CLT and Aster in the delivery of these high-quality community-led affordable homes. Inspired by the pioneering work of Nailsworth CLT and other community-led housing organisations, the Government has launched the £163m Community Housing Fund. The fund provides an exciting option for Homes England to support more communities to lead the development of housing to meet local needs, delivering lasting benefit for themselves and their communities.”
- Helen Bone Housing Delivery Specialist for Homes England.
“We're pleased to have worked alongside Nailsworth CLT to bring these much-needed affordable homes to local people. Working in partnership with the CLT has meant that we can provide homes that are not only needed but wanted by the community. We have an ambitious development programme and although CLT projects typically don't involve large numbers of homes, they do enable us to target a range of different communities and work towards our vision that everyone has a home”
-Karl Hine, development manager - community housing, Aster Group.
Aster worked with Nailsworth CLT on a five-year community-led project to build new homes for local people in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire. Find out more.
View moreSupported by Aster’s partner, CG Fry & Son Ltd project, we delivered a total of 28 homes; 22 for affordable rent and six for shared ownership. Find out more.
View moreThe site at Ridge View Crescent overlooking the River Torridge includes a selection of nine one-, two-and three-bedroom homes, all for affordable rent, helping those locally find somewhere to live.
View moreThis project saw us deliver 23 new homes for affordable rent, helping those locally find somewhere to live
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