Schedule of planned works
Please click here to find out more about the planned works.
Unfortunately we have been experiencing unforeseen delays with the major works at Wimbledon Hall but we are pleased that operatives are now back on site. However, we fully acknowledge the inconvenience and disruption which the overrun has had on residents for which we apologise.
All materials have now been delivered and works are progressing. We anticipate that there will be a further six weeks of work to fix the panels, complete works to the lower level roofs and remove the site accommodation.
It is unfortunate that the project has been considerably delayed and inevitably the grounds around the building are not being maintained to the usual high standard during this time as it is a working site. However, as part of the specification of works, this will be reinstated once the project is complete.
Unfortunately, the windows have become dirty during the contract. However, due to health and safety concerns it has not been possible to allow residents to let their window cleaners have access to clean the windows and for the same reason we have suspended our window cleaning contract for the communal windows. We appreciate that this must be very frustrating for residents however the safety of residents and contractors is of utmost importance to us. All windows will be cleaned following completion of the works.
It has been a regrettable aspect of the works that the laundry drying area has been unavailable to residents but unfortunately due to space limitations this was the only area that was practical for site office and storage. All options were considered at the outset of the project including re-siting the washing lines but space did not allow for this option.
Parking has been affected but in general the feedback we have received from residents is that they are all managing to find a space when required. Parking on the adjacent street is normally restricted to two hours but the Local Authority are continuing to allow residents to park unrestricted for the duration of the works.
We have been made aware that on occasions intruders have gained access on to the scaffolding. Please contact the police if you see any intruders.
We would like to reassure leaseholders that any costs relating to the delays to the works will not have any negative financial impact on leaseholders.
We have now received MPS Housings revised programme. At this time, we are advised works will continue until the end of October. This is the panel installation, roof renewal at low level and the dismantling on the temporary site accommodation and reinstatement of the drying areas
We continue to work closely with the principal contractor and are allowing some weekend working (Saturdays 8am to 4pm), this is at the request of the contractor and no additional cost has been requested.
Our clerk of works continues to visit site on a daily basis, but will not be on site during the weekends.
Please find below an outline of the remaining work required to complete the works.
Block A-
- Removal of final scaffold to allow access to low level areas
- Windows to be cleaned
- Reinstate turf where damaged by scaffolds
- Area of panel to be renewed currently blocked by Scaffold
Block B
- Blister found on flat roof above entrance to be addressed
- Scaffolds to be removed
- 20 panels to be fitted
- Flat roof to garage at low level to be completed
- Windows to be cleaned
Site generally
- Remove site set up- office, stores, facilities, fencing
- Clear and clean site
- Reinstate drying area
We have now moved to the final stage of the project and are in the defects period.
To ensure defects are managed correctly and in line with the contract please can any issues relating to the works be reported to
Unless the issue is classed as an emergency, all issues will be collated and reported back to the contractor during the defects period. The defects period is in place for one year.
Any other repairs or issues unrelated to the major works need to be reported to the contact centre either by calling 0333 400 8222, online or via MyAster.
Costs for major works
We recently sent you a letter regarding 2020/2021 service charges that may have caused some confusion for our leaseholders at Wimbledon Hall. If you have concerns or would like to discuss our correspondence, please contact us on 0333 400 8222. Alternatively, please email
We appreciate that some customers may be worried about their finances at this challenging time but please be assured that we will work with you to help you as much as we can. It’s important that you contact us if you’re concerned. We will be as flexible as possible and we are able to offer payment plans in certain circumstances – please email us at to book a call back.
At our residents meeting in December 2019, we said that the major works would be invoiced in one payment. However, on reconciling the 2018/19 accounts, in accordance with the terms of the lease, unfortunately this is not going to be possible.
The first major works invoice was incurred during the 2018/19 financial year and due to the 18-month rule, Section 20B of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, the cost had to be incorporated into this statement. The final major works costs were incurred during the financial year 2019/20 and will show on the 2019/20 statement which you will receive by the end of the March 2021.
Your lease does not contain separate service charge provision for major works, so your major works costs will be included in the reconciled service charges for 2018/19 and 2019/20.
If you would like to make payment towards your major works costs in a single payment please contact our customer accounts teams on 0333 400 8222. They will also be able to amend your direct debit to reflect the payment being made.
Once government restrictions around social distancing are relaxed we will be holding another residents meeting to discuss this in more detail. We’ll let you know when this will be shortly.
Update on site issues
Major works to both blocks is now complete, and the scaffolding has now been removed from both blocks. The cabins, offices, stores and temporary connections will be removed on 22 April 2020.
We have now moved to the final stage of the project and are in the defects period. To ensure defects are managed correctly and in line with the contract please can any issues relating to the works be reported to the mailbox.
This box is monitored daily so any issues will be picked up even if your housing officer is on leave.
Unless the issue is classed as an emergency, all defects will be collated and reported back to the contractor during the defects period.
The defects period is in place for one year.
Any other repairs or issues unrelated to the major works need to be reported to the contact centre in the usual way on 0333 400 8222.

Unfortunately, it was identified that the incorrect insulation had been fitted to the building. As these did not meet the specifications required, they needed to be removed and replaced with the correct panels. This unfortunately added additional time to the overall programme as we waited for replacement panels and the subsequent fitting of the new panels.
All materials have now been delivered and work is progressing. We anticipate that there will be a further six weeks of work to fix the panels, complete works to the lower level roofs and remove the site accommodation and we are monitoring progress by the contractor against their revised delivery programme.
We understand that these delays have caused huge inconvenience and upset to our customers. We have worked hard to ensure that contractors returned to site as quickly as possible and that an updated programme was provided to give the best and most accurate information. Thank you for patience whilst we worked to resolve these issues.
Panel installation has commenced and work to the garage roofs will be next. All work should be complete by 11 October 2019. The site should then be cleared by 3 November 2019.
We have authorised our contractor to work on site on Saturdays between 8am and 4pm to ensure the amended programme is achieved on time.
We are currently investigating a number of solutions to the problem of window cleaning. Because of the new waterproof coating the flat roofs cannot be used for access, we therefore need to look at other ways to clean the windows. We are seeking further information and will provide an update as soon as possible
A wash down of the windows will be completed by the contractor before they leave the site.
We have requested that the site manager ensures that the area is kept clean and tidy. We are continuing to visit the site and will also identify any areas of concern. If you have specific examples or concerns please report these to your housing officer, Colette Robson.
Under the contract the site will have a one off clean once all equipment and staging is removed.
It has been a regrettable aspect of the works that the laundry drying area has been unavailable to residents but unfortunately due to space limitations this was the only area that was practical for site office and storage. All options were considered at the outset of the project including re-siting the washing lines but space did not allow for this option.
Parking has unfortunately been affected but in general the feedback we have received from residents is that spaces are available when required. Parking on the adjacent street is normally restricted to two hours but the Local Authority are continuing to allow residents to park unrestricted for the duration of the works.
The clerk of works, Bob East, attends the site daily and we are working hard to ensure that our contractors fulfil their obligations to the required specification.
We will be offering residents a discretionary payment of £25 on completion of the works in light of the inconvenience caused by the scaffolding in regard to the additional lighting both individual and communal required during the works.
We aim to ensure delivery of good, safe, and reliable services to our customers, however, we do accept that sometimes we may fall short of what we would expect. In such circumstances compensation may be considered where there has been a service failure in line with our complaints policy.
Should you consider that your queries have not be satisfactorily resolved or that you remain dissatisfied with the service received then please let us know.
Residents meetings
If you have recently attended a resident block meeting you will receive copies of the minutes of those meetings through the post.
We will keep you posted on when progress meetings will be scheduled. You will receive a personal invitation, advising you of the date, time and location of the meeting. If you are unable to attend you may send a representative.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there a need to carry out these works?
Following the results of a recent independent survey we have identified the need to carry out work to the blocks at Wimbledon Hall to maintain the buildings into the future.
Work done now will mean less impact and lower costs to leaseholders in the future.
Following a Section 20 Consultation with homeowners we have appointed Mitie as sole contractor for this project. Mitie will undertake the essential remedial work required at Wimbledon Hall, starting in the Winter 2018.
At times all homeowners and leaseholders may face large bills to ensure the maintenance and long-term viability of their properties. We do understand that this is huge amount of money for a family of any means and we will work with residents who are in financial hardship to resolve any issues.
Why haven’t you done something sooner?
We began looking at the scope of work required in early 2017. The initial tender investigation process lasted for three months and involved looking at the following elements:
- Present stock condition
- Site surveys and measurement
- Site impact for leaseholders and residents
- Contractors with the competency to undertake the project
- Possible refurbishment materials and costs
- Site meetings with suppliers and manufacturers Means of project delivery
- Correspondence with building control
The data collected from the feasibility study formed the information provided to residents on the scope of work required.
Couldn’t these costs be covered by Asters building insurance?
No, our buildings insurance covers accidents only.
How are the costs arrived at?
We have carried out extensive surveys and produce a specification to remedy the defects which had been identified.
We used this specification to invite tenders for the works and these tenders are a reflection of the current market costs to address the defects identified.
What is the 15% admin fee for?
The management fee covers the cost of our management of the programme of repairs. This is a large programme of works and requires a significant amount of resource and expertise from us to ensure the programme is successfully delivered on time, to the right standard and according to the agreed terms with the appointed contractor.
The 15% is in accordance with the industry standard.
What redress do I have if I dispute the works
We have made an application to the First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) which will enable leaseholders to raise any queries that they may have.
When will the works start?
Work will start in Winter 2018. We will begin with scaffolding being erected and the asbestos surveys being undertaken
How long will it take for works to be undertaken?
16 weeks
What works are included in the specification?
Asbestos R & D surveys
Replacement Roofing (to include Main Blocks, Lift Motor Room, Car Park and Communal Bin Stores)
Roofline including Fascias, Soffits and Rain Water Goods
Cavity Insulation
Re-Pointing and Brickwork Repairs
Removal of Redundant Gas Heater Flues where requested
Replacement of Insulated Wall/Façade Panels
External Decorations (including wash down/painting of external walls and communal areas)
What System are you proposing for the cavity wall insulation?
Versatile and effective, our EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) wall insulation system can be used in a wide range of circumstances, including:
- New-build properties
- Domestic refurbishments and retro-fits
- Commercial properties
- Flotation tanks
- Floor voids
- Roof spaces
Will this project affect the communal parking?
Yes, there will be a need to erect support for the scaffolding to the rear section of both car parks. This will mean that approximately 15 spaces from each car park will be temporarily affected.
We have arranged with Bournemouth Council for additional parking to be available on a nearby road. Please contact your housing officer for details and to supply your car registration number
How much will I be charged for the works?
Current estimated costs per property are on average £10,233.08
Will the sinking fund we pay into cover the costs on the works?
Money received via service charges pays for delivery of day to day services such as grounds maintenance.
Wimbledon Hall does have a sinking fund and the money in this fund will be used to cover some of the costs of the works.
The current balance as of 31.3.18 was £1471.39
What happens if I can’t pay?
The work due to be carried out is necessary to maintain the buildings for the long term. All leaseholders have a legal obligation to pay proportional costs and this forms part of their lease.
Once you receive an invoice for the work we’re planning on Wimbledon Hall please contact us so that we can work out the best payment option for you.
How will we be charged?
Invoices will be issued in the reconciliations for the year18/19. Leaseholders can expect to receive their invoices for the work in autumn 2019
What is the First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber)?
The First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) is the part of the UK legal system that handles all applications, appeals and references relating to disputes over property and land in the UK.
You can apply to the First-Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber - Residential Property) if you’re a landlord, tenant, freeholder, leaseholder, park home occupier or site owner.
Each Tribunal usually consists of three members: a lawyer, who is often the chairman, a valuer and a lay person. The Tribunal is entirely independent and impartial in its approach.
Why have you submitted an application to the court for a First Tier Tribunal?
The purpose of the legal application is to ensure complete transparency by having an independent and expert panel examine what we are doing and the charges we are proposing.
The outcome of the First Tier Tribunal will determine if the planned works are firstly necessary and reasonable and secondly if the estimated costs are reasonable and comparable to the work required. This gives homeowners an additional opportunity to raise any queries they may have.
The application to the Tribunal provides a single forum for homeowners to challenge and raise any issues and is the most efficient and transparent way for us to proceed.
Will I be charged for these legal costs?
No. There will be no cost to you. We will cover the legal fees associated with our application to the First Tier Tribunal.
Will I be able to attend the hearing?
Yes. You’ll be able to attend if you wish, however only homeowners who have made statements will be able to speak during the hearing.
When will the hearing take place?
There have been two case management telephone meetings and the FTT have decided that a Court hearing is required.
The hearing will take place on 19 and 20 February 2019 in Poole. Only those who have made statements will be able to give evidence but any one can attend.
The main issues under consideration will be the replacement of the façade panels and cavity wall insulation.
When will we know the FTT decision?
We expect the FTT to give their decision or determination about 6-8 weeks after the hearing
What if the FTT decide that leaseholders do not have to pay for works?
We have taken the decision to complete all the works in the specification because we feel this is the best way to manage the building and reduce costs in the long run. This means we do not have to delay the works while we await the FTT outcome. If the FTT determine that not all the costs can be recovered from leaseholders then we will abide by this decision.
Contact Us
If you have any specific questions that haven't been answered here you can contact the project team by emailing or by completing the contact form opposite.
Any general repair requests unrelated to the works should, as usual, be reported to the Call Centre on 0333 400 8222.
A summary of the observations received during the course of the Section 20 process can be found below together with our response. All leaseholders consulted will also have received a hard copy.