Central heating top tips
Top tips to maintain your central heating.
Top tips to maintain your central heating.
If your boiler has stopped working there are a couple of things you can check before calling for help.
We all know what it’s like to be without a boiler; it throws a household into panic and all you want is for it to be fixed.
Most mould problems are caused by condensation. Condensation happens when moist air in the home comes into contact with a colder surface like a wall or window.
A great way to save money is by checking your energy tariff to make sure you’re on the cheapest deal. If you’ve never switched you could save up to £160 a year!
Hot water is responsible for the highest number of fatal and severe scald injuries in the home. The very young and the very old are particularly vulnerable. Find out how prevent these injuries in your home.
If you would like to carry out improvements or alterations to your property please contact us for advice about what permission you may need to obtain from us before proceeding.
This is your handbook about your repairs service. It tells you what we need to know so we can sort out your repair, what repairs you must do and how to do some of these yourself.