Applications for 23/24 inc. Cohort 4 now open!

To register your interest in applying to Cohort 4, please email the inc. team.

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Check out our 2022/23 cohort

inc. is building businesses to change the world and support communities combat the causes and effects of poverty

Our unique programme draws on the benefits, resources and expertise of a highly successful and established social organisation and its people: 

  • A strong core syllabus and access to experts covering all areas of business, development, growth and ethics
  • Mentoring and coaching to support personal and business growth from successful social entrepreneurs who know your journey
  • Creation of a bespoke pathway through the programme to support your business with investment, procurement or fundraising
  • Opportunities to gain insight to shape your business and impact through projects in Aster Foundation communities
  • Access to Aster Foundation’s beneficiaries and Aster Group’s 100,000 customers, partners and networks
  • Expert advice and support from the inc. and Aster Foundation team
  • An active entrepreneurial community of peers to collaborate with and provide support
  • Promotion of your social business through our communication channels
  • Mental wellness support keeping you happy, healthy and resilient

The support has been stellar, with access to very senior level, insightful advisors. The team have been super-efficient, regularly coming up with astute new angles and pragmatic suggestions to help propel my business forward and build my confidence.” Sue Skeats, 100 Ways in 100 Days

“All at inc. have done a great job making us feel supported and securing access to the busy Aster team, as well as helping us to craft our product offering and messaging. They helped us to make the most of what we have and who we are. Thank you.”  Guy Monson, Compair 

“inc. has given me the framework to allow me to develop my creative vision into an impactful reality. It has given me greater potential to grow the business and help transform many more lives.” Andrew Loudon, Timeless Players

“inc. has given us the opportunity to develop our products directly with a major customer. There is no other programme we’ve been on that provides such direct commercial opportunity, with such a friendly team.” Benjamin Gibbons, Circular11

I'm interested

inc. 23/24 is sponsored by our strategic partner, McAndrew Martin Ltd

Inc has the creativity factor. I genuinely feel supported.

Arinola Araba, founder of bMoneywize

Our 2022-23 Cohort



Aware Technologies, pioneering a groundbreaking technology that analyses a home's insulation, heating, and moisture performance. This innovation sheds light on how daily habits, building quality, and indoor/outdoor conditions contribute to health risks like condensation, dampness, and mould. Our goal isn't just to address these issues but to eliminate social biases and stigmas, especially affecting the most vulnerable individuals in society, notably those in social housing. We achieve this through collaborations with local charities and landlords.

Our approach involves utilising cutting edge 3D digital imaging to collectively tackle issues related to building structure, indoor environments, debt, fuel accessibility, health concerns, and social integration. We prioritise community engagement, ensuring their consent and active involvement rather than imposing predefined solutions.

Our inc. ask

During our Inc. journey, our primary focus revolves around creating collaborative pilots involving residents, housing associations, surveying teams, repair units, and every aspect of our organisation. We aim to effectively harness data to gain insights, effect change, learn from the process, and expedite the journey towards homes that are both damp free and energy efficient.

Why inc.?

I cannot thank inc. enough for all the support they have given me to develop my social business. The personal support that is offer through this program, is what set it apart from other incubators I have been a part of.

Dhivya Venkatachalam

Being part of the inc. programme has given me access to the resources and support of a much larger organisation and that brings with it experience and opportunities to collaborate. Learning through the syllabus helps me to understand where I can make improvements while also acting as a partner along the journey.

Stevie Mitchell, founder of CDUK

inc. success stories

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The inc. programme has allowed us to understand how potential customers in the housing sector make decisions around products and services like ours. My mention has been one of the most valuable resources in our network.

Garrett Sprague, Smplicare

Owning and running your own business is like a mental rollercoaster ride; Empowering highs and disheartening lows. Being part of inc. allows each of us to celebrate those highs and support those lows together. I gain so much from our weekly huddles and 1:2:1s.

Kirsty, Well Cool Clothing
