Connected Living
Connected Living gives you and your loved ones peace of mind to help you stay safe, happy and living independently.
Useful and advice and guidance on how to keep living independently in your current family home.
Connected Living gives you and your loved ones peace of mind to help you stay safe, happy and living independently.
Older people often face delays in discharge from hospital following treatment, even when there is no medical necessity for them to stay on the ward. Telecare could be the solution to the problem of discharging older people safely and quickly back to their own homes.
It is an unfortunate fact that as we get older we become more prone to slips, trips and falls within the home and garden. Our carelines will be called automatically by the equipment once it detects that a customer hasn’t moved for some time or has fallen.
Enabling people to live independently in their own homes has become increasingly important as the elderly population expands. With one in every five people expected to live to be a hundred, putting carefully designed technological systems into people’s homes can help them with their everyday needs and reduce the need for care.
In addition to causing injury, falls in the home can cause older people to lose their confidence and be too frightened to live alone. Fortunately, technology is available that can help to reduce the risk of falls and ensure that help arrives promptly if they do occur.
A new campaign has been launched in a bid to make holidays and day trips easier and more accessible for the millions of disabled people who live in Britain. The Tourism Is for Everybody campaign aims to promote a better understanding of the needs of disabled people amongst those working in the travel and tourism industry.
The problem of bed blocking is one we hear about only too frequently, here we look at how telecare could help people to stay safer in their own homes and to alert professionals quicker in the event of an emergency.